Thursday 13 August 2020

Mind Body Green

Monday 13 June 2016

Can Apple Cider Vinegar Really Deliver? I Tested 8 Beauty Uses & Here's What I Found

If you're only using apple cider vinegar for salad dressing, it's time to expand your horizons. The raw, organic, unfiltered version of ACV can serve a myriad of purposes, many of which fall into the "self-care" category. People claim it healed their digestion, rid their skin of acne, saved their hair, whitened their smile.

1. Hair rinse

A few years ago, I would spend a lot of money every few months buying fancy shampoo that promised to remove buildup and pollutants from my hair that regular shampoo missed. Even though I only used it once a week, the bottle always went so fast and didn't leave my hair feeling that different than my everyday stuff.
It wasn't until I decided to actually look at the label that I realized the shampoo was "infused" with apple cider vinegar as the active ingredient. Then I had a lightbulb moment and decided to cut out the proverbial middle man and just pour some straight-up ACV onto my hair. Not only was it far more cost-effective, it was all-natural AND it worked so, so much better than the commercial stuff.
To this day, I pour about a cup of ACV onto my hair once a week, gently massage it into my scalp and strands, and rinse. Despite the smell that lingers in the bathroom for a few hours, this is hands-down my favourite all-natural beauty treatment. My strands are softer, shinier, cleaner and more natural beauty treatment. My strands are softer, shinier, cleaner and more cooperative in the days after the rinse.
Final verdict: It works!

2. Toner

One of the most popular articles we've ever run here on mbg is this one about how ACV toner saved the writer's skin. Needless to say, I was most excited to test this for myself, especially in the wake of a particularly nasty hormonal acne flare up.I was a little intimidated by the prospect of mixing the toner (one part ACV, one part filtered water), and then applying the smelly concoction so close to my nose. But after just one night of using the toner, there was a noticeable difference in my skin. It felt softer when I woke up, glowed a bit more throughout the day, and didn't become its usual oil slick by mid-afternoon.
Final verdict: It works!

3. Tooth whitener/stain remover

After my disastrous adventure with oil pulling, the last thing I wanted to do was swish ACV around my mouth. But for you, dear readers, I sucked it up and applied apple cider vinegar to my teeth with a cotton swab. Alas, I am a total wuss and could not handle the taste, let alone the smell wafting out of my mouth.If you are stronger than me, please report back on whether or not this works as my attempt was an utter failure.
Final verdict: n/a

4. Sunburn soother/bath soak

Since I avoid the sun at all costs due to my incredibly pale, burn-prone skin (and it was October), I couldn't test whether ACV helped with burns. I did however dump some into bathwater one Sunday afternoon to see if it would function as a general soothing bath.While it did calm a patch of weather-related hives on my arm, what it helped most with — surprisingly — was the sore muscles I was experiencing after a very intense HIIT workout earlier in the week. After a little research, I discovered the reason my aches and pains felt so much less achey and pain-y after the soak was because ACV contains potassium, a vital electrolyte for faster recovery.
Final verdict: It works!

5. Skin tonic (internal)

Never one with a strong mind for science, I opted to undergo all these ACV tests within the same two-week period, thereby omitting a control group. Since I was using an AVC toner topically, I can't say for sure that drinking a morning tonic of warm water, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar did anything for my skin.However, that morning drink sure did jump start my day and digestive system, and if it could get my insides moving, I assume it wasn't hurting my skin from the inside out. Alas, I'll have to try this one again when I'm not also putting it on my face every night.
Final verdict: Unclear

6. Overnight spot treatment

I once read that ACV could be used as an all-natural, DIY treatment for warts, so I figured acne couldn't be that different and decided to give it a try. When I applied a dab to a cheek pimple that had already formed, nothing really seemed to change. However, when I felt the beginnings of what was sure to be a volcano on my chin, I quickly used ACV as a pre-emptive spot treatment and you know what? That volcano never did erupt. Score one for forethought!
Final verdict: It Works!

7. Dandruff treatment

I've never really had to deal with dandruff, so my results here might be skewed, but I fully support using ACV as a scalp treatment. If you're pouring it on your head as a hair rinse anyway, it'll definitely come into contact with your scalp. And since apple cider vinegar is a great anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, it's the perfect way to combat the causesof dandruff: dry or oily skin, eczema, dermatitis and malassezia, a yeast-like fungus.

Final verdict: It works!

8. Deodorant

I've been on the natural deodorant train for some time now, so I like to think that I've become accustomed to the more green scents that accompany sweat without antiperspirant or other chemicals. And while I appreciate that rubbing some ACV on my armpits allows my sweat glands to function the way they're supposed to, I wasn't a fan of this method.
Whether it was all in my head or not I'll never know — because I don't want to try this again — but I swear I got whiffs of apple cider vinegar throughout the day anytime I moved my arms. And if I'm being completely honest, I'm not sure whether I'd rather smell like body odor or ACV.
Final verdict: Pass.
Source by Allie White, MBG Editorial TeamDecember 2, 2015 6:00 AM
Update! Apple cider vinegar is now allegedly useful to aid weight loss, must try this one as probably put on two stone since I originally wrote this article!

Friday 30 January 2015

Well Being Essences

Well Being Essence Space Clearing Sprays can be used to: uplift,, recharge & restore balance by bringing calm and contentment. Simply spray over the head and allow the particles to settle around you like Fairy Mist. The exquisite Aromas captivate the senses and the Vibration & energetic imprint of Flowers, herbs, crystals and Nature all conjure up a feeling of being transformed to an exotic and Divine place in Space and Time.

Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation and Mindfulness

I have looked at phone apps, now that I have an iphone.
There are many to choose from on this subject.
One I have recently downloaded but not really used is 
Moodkit, which you can rate your mood daily and it gives suggestions of things to commit to do on a regular basis which are known to help to lift your mood.

I have a meditation app called the Happy App, which talks to you for 40 minutes with relaxation, best to wear with earphones as it has subliminal messages. 
You need to be able to commit to 40 minutes. 

You can change settings on it to have an ocean or bird theme.

 I also downloaded 'Overcoming Depression' from their store but have not received it.

There is a long list of apps you can get to overcome a variety of issues but am dubious about attempting anymore, now. 

Something I recommend and have subscribed to for a couple of years is the Headspace app, available on Android and iphone.

 I initially used it to help me to sleep, and not long after hearing Andy Puddicombes' voice, I would drop off and use it in the night if awake in the early hours although its not intended for that.

I probably haven't had the best benefit from using it as I haven't been present to follow the instructions.

I am now on the section where he doesn't talk much, its all about silence as we are supposed to be an expert at meditating, but I still want him to talk!

The latest one I've downloaded, is Debbie Ford Overcoming Self -
Sabotage, Daily Om, which I have yet to try.

Yoga is also a good way to help, fluidity, flexibility and breathing all using tools in helping with depression.

 I use My Yoga Online, although since they have joined forces with Gaiam TV, I have not accessed as much, but can cost as little as £6/ week to access all the yoga videos and more, by many excellent well reputed yoga and inspirational teachers.

In Pursuit of Happiness

In Pursuit of Happiness 

Judging by a lot of articles in recent magazines, January is a difficult year for a lot of people.
I, myself have been up and down for a few years, with the'festive' period being the most difficult for me this year.
A time when you are supposed to be happy and enjoying yourself,
Unavoidable Christmas music being played everywhere, including work, where concentration is key, and I was told 'bar humbug' which just compacts how you are feeling.

A few of the articles have resonated with me.

In the 'Stella' magazine, five experts give 5 tips on 'How to be Happy'

Ruby Wax:
Don't chase happiness
Keep your sense of humour
Find your tribe
Happiness is feeling good about who you are
Sleep as much as you can.

Gretchen Rubin, author of the 'The Happiness Project'
Be kind to your body
Self-knowledge is essential for happiness
Be flexible
Create a shrine to your passions
Invest in relationships

Paul Dolan author of 'Happines by Design'
Question how you evaluate and what makes you happy
Pay attention
Happiness is not about how you think about life overall, but your experiences during it
Embrace 'purpose'
Change what you do, not how you think

Vanessa King
Give to and help others
Ask for help
Get started
Use your natural strengths
Invest in experiences

Mattieu Ricard author of @Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life's Most Important Skill
Understand that happiness comes from within
Realise that happiness is not a given
Don't strive alone
Try to exist in a state of simplicity, where you can see what is important
Learn to what your stream of thoughts

I recommend finding one author that resonates with you and reading each paragraph with the heading and trying to work through those suggestions.
They can be found here:

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Health and Beauty Benefits of Coconut Oil

Health & Beauty Benefits of Coconut Oil

Came across this article today, as I have a bottle of coconut oil in the fridge from a previous healthy kick, I can make use of it with these recipes. Here are some of my favourites.

1. Coconut oil for healthy hair.
Thanks to its moisturizing properties, coconut oil is an amazing natural treatment for the hair and scalp. If your hair is dry or damaged, massage 1-2 tablespoons of oil from roots to tips, wrap the hair in a hot towel and leave it for an hour or so before washing as normal. If your hair tends to frizz, you can also smooth on some coconut oil to tame it.

2. Coconut oil for supple skin.
Coconut oil has been shown to work excellently as a topical skin treatment, helping to moisturize, rejuvenate, and potentially prevent wrinkles. Take a small dollop of virgin coconut oil and rub it between the palms to warm it, then work it gently into the skin on the face or body.

3 .Coconut oil to combat skin conditions.
As well as using coconut oil as a general moisturizer for skin, it can also be used for more specific skin ailments. Coconut oil has anti-fungal, anti-viral and antibacterial properties making it a useful treatment for conditions like eczema, psoriasis and acne.
4.  DIY coconut oil exfoliant.
Forget the store-bought scrubs: you can easily make your own from home, and you’ll know exactly what’s going into it. For a super-simple exfoliant mix one part white sugar with one part coconut oil. Apply directly to the body in circular motions to gently remove dry skin. It will simultaneously act as a moisturizer, making the skin smooth and supple.

5. Coconut oil for face masks.
Coconut oil is filled with vitamins C and E which make it an ideal ingredient for including in DIY face masks at home. For a simple mask, mix 1 tablespoon coconut oil with 2 tablespoons of honey and a squeeze of lemon juice. Apply a thick coat to the face and leave it to soak in for 10 minutes before rinsing off.

 6. Coconut oil for a faster metabolism.
Coconut oil is reportedly useful in increasing the body’s metabolic rate. It contains medium-chain fatty acids that speed up the metabolism and potentially aid in weight loss and weight control. Some studies have also found that consumption of coconut oil is helpful in reducing abdominal obesity.

7. Coconut oil for cooking.
While olive oil is traditionally used for cooking, it is actually known to oxidize at high temperatures. This can lead to the creation of free radicals. Coconut oil, meanwhile, is more resistant to heat, making it safer and healthier to use in cooking.

8.  Coconut oil to beat sugar cravings.
Getting enough good quality fats in your diet means you’re more likely to feel satiated. If you’re trying to lower your sugar intake but are being beaten by cravings, try eating a small spoonful of coconut oil. It’ll give you energy without causing a merry-go-round of spiking glucose levels.

For more info see:

Sunday 4 January 2015

New Year, New Me!

I am not a big fan of the Daily Mail, but was flicking through it on a work tea break as someone had left it in the room.
An article by Paul Mckenna called 'I can change your destiny' caught my eye!

Here are things I picked out from this.

Biggest regrets of people heading towards the end of their life.

Wished they'd had the courage to live true to themselves not to the lives others' had expected of them Wished they hadn't worked so hard
Wished they'd had the courage to express their feelings
Wished they'd stayed in touch with their friends
Wished they'd let themselves be happier

Well, I can relate to all of those!

   Paul's instructions on how you can change your destiny included these ;

 Live your life without regrets
 List the people you love most
 Change you whole outlook

 Further instruction on how to do this and examples in the full article here.

He also recommended keeping a journal to monitor progress in changing your life.

   Important things to remember:

It isn't what your're born with or what happens to you in life that determines your destiny - it's the     choices you make along the way.
No matter what's happened to you in the past, you'll always have choices about how you move           forward.
 Absolutely everyone can be happy.
When we live fully in the present, we have more powere available to us to do whatever it is we           want to do.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.